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Counseling & Advising

Services We Offer

The Counseling & Advising department offers a variety of academic, career, and personal counseling services to assist students in achieving their goals. Frequently a counselor will start a meeting with a student by asking "How can I help you?"

It is to your advantage to know what services are available and how Butte College counselors can help you succeed as a student. While general advising is always available, counseling appointments can also be made for the following services:

Academic Planning

  • Consider educational options – majors and certificate programs
  • Review requirements
  • Graduation
  • Transfer
  • Career/Vocational Majors and Certificates
  • Create a Student Education Plan
  • Receive assistance in selection of appropriate course to achieve goals
  • Receive consultation regarding student rights and responsibilities
  • Receive assistance in addressing academic issues such as probation, dismissal, and difficulty in a particular course

Career Planning

  • Explore interests, values, and goals
  • Research and review career options
  • Plan appropriate courses to reach goals

Personal Counseling and Referrals

  • Assistance with problems that affect school performance
  • Crisis counseling and intervention
  • On-campus referrals to resources such as Student Health (mental health counseling) or Safe Place (sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, etc.) for ongoing personal counseling
  • Referrals to other college services and community resources
  • Early Alert services

Completion of Forms or Procedures

  • Petitions to Repeat Courses
  • Special Permissions
  • Leaves of Absence
  • Withdrawals/Drops
  • Scheduling of Classes
  • Orientation Clearance
  • Graduation Applications
  • Readmission Workshops and Contracts
  • Financial Maximum Timeframe Appeal
  • Student Education Plans (SEPs) for Financial Aid Loans

For assistance with these services, contact any of our offices to schedule a counseling appointment.





Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am - 5 pm

Friday: CLOSED

Office Location: SAS 134 (1st floor)



Office Number: (530) 895-2378


Monday - Thursday: 8 am.- 4:30 pm

Friday: CLOSED



Para servicio en Español, haga su cita con Julio Delgado, Melissa Melendrez, Jose Gonzalez y Melina Torres.

For services in Khmer please request an appointment with Serey Vann.

Academic Dates

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